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Genre: RPG
Author: Nilson Thomas Carroll
Added On: August 05, 2015 @ 7:15 PM
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Welcome to GraveCamp, detective.

My, you look weary - please, rest. In the morning, Leo the Gravedigger can bring you to the water source and, hopefully, you can see what's wrong with it. You've had a long journey from Brain City...I know the graves are unnerving, but stay the night at the inn...oh? You refuse to pay an inn when you can sleep under the stars? Ho ho ho...well, get used to sleeping above the grave maggots...!

You see, detective, GraveCamp is where the dead can truly rest - as burial has gone out of public fashion, GraveCamp is devoted to giving the deceased the rest they deserve. How many graves are there, you ask? Over ten million. Did you try counting them on your flight?

Leo? He's probably drinking himself at the cafe - he's kind of an oaf, but boy, those biceps...!

Yes, the water has stopped. Deep in the cemetery, you will be able to access the water source. It draws in water from the surrounding sea and cleans it. GraveCamp is mostly self-reliable, detective. Am I boring you? Please, rest...close your eyes...you have a long journey tomorrow~

--Game by Nilson Thomas Carroll--