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In Sanity

In Sanity
In Sanity
In Sanity
In Sanity
In Sanity

Submission Details

Genre: Simulation
Author: metronome
Added On: August 07, 2015 @ 8:27 AM
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In Sanity


I am 33 years old this year, and I am living by myself in Sanity, in an apartment complex called Autumnland.

I am not really sure what happened to me, but all I know is that I have been fooling around for 2 years playing games, watching shits, and lazing around without ever going outside of Autumnland.

Bad news is, I can't maintain this lifestyle anymore. Everything is going to change in 1 week if I do nothing.

That's why I am here right now, speaking to you, begging for your help...

What should I do? Please tell me..."


You are a useless nerdy shut-in that has never set your foot outside of your safety zone for 2 years. Without job and income, you soon run into trouble of maintaining this lifestyle you love so much and unless you want to get kicked out of your safety zone, you will have to act fast! It is race against time, and sadly time could also be the least of your problem....when something more sinister is lurking around the corner of your safety zone!

The key to this game is all about growing yourself fast enough to overcome everything coming your way without loosing your mind!

And ah...one last thing: Remember that you live in Sanity. Nothing is impossible.