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Gross Nasty Shower Domination

Gross Nasty Shower Domination
Gross Nasty Shower Domination
Gross Nasty Shower Domination
Gross Nasty Shower Domination

Submission Details

Genre: Action
Author: EinieMeanie
Added On: August 07, 2015 @ 10:27 AM
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You are a Gross Nasty. Your goal: SHOWER DOMINATION.

Move through this domain, collecting GROSS STUFF. The more you collect, the more you grow.

Full domination means defeating your enemies.  Defeat them by shooting them with your gained mass. When you defeat an enemy, you absorb their NASTY ESSENCE and grow.

Use caution. As you shoot, you shrink. Your enemies attack, you shrink. If you shrink to nothing, you are dead. Survive ten waves, and you win.