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Tales Across Time

Tales Across Time
Tales Across Time
Tales Across Time
Tales Across Time
Tales Across Time

Submission Details

Genre: RPG
Author: CriticalGames
Added On: August 07, 2015 @ 3:20 PM
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Tales Across Time is comprised of three 'short-stories', told using traditional RPG mechanics. Each tale takes place in the same location, but separated by hundreds of years. In this 1 hour+ adventure, you will explore ancient ruins, help a woman save her fiancée, and be hunted by a masked man.

Also enjoy a custom-made take on the turn-based battle system! There are 10 unique enemies to face, and no random battles. But don't forget to seek out hidden Crystals to increase your stats!

Keep an eye out for this year's theme, too! I utilised growth as a framing device to connect each story through the passage of time.

Thank you very much for looking and I hope everyone enjoys the game!